Mrs Prema Fairburn – Chairperson
“I have been a Director of SCA for ten years and in September 2020, I was elected as Chairperson for a 3 year term. I have re-structured the company and widened it’s profile and increased the voice of the care sector when negotiating fees, contracts and new business development with the CCG and Local Authority. I have also promoted the case for equality and parity with Health through media (news articles, television and radio) and was instrumental in getting the plight of social care throughout the Pandemic heard by the public. Currently in various multi-disciplinary partnership groups.
I am also the director of Primary Homecare which provides personal care, nursing care, re-ablement therapy and other services to clients in the community. A multi-award winner, we received an `Outstanding’ rating from CQC in October 2019and are currently developing the range of our nursing and physical therapy services. We are also working on the development of assistive technology to our vulnerable clients in the community.”